The deepest known point of planet Earth in Mariana Trench which is located in western Pacific Ocean. The maximum known depth was measured as 10,994 meters (36070 feet) at a small slot-shaped valley in its floor commonly known as Challenger Deep. At the bottom of the trench water pressure increases to 15,750 psi (1,086 bars) i.e. 1000 times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. This intense pressure increases the density of water by 4.96%. This implies that 95 liters of water at the depth of Mariana Trench would contain the same mass as 100 liters at the surface. INTERESTING FACTS: As the Earth in not a perfect sphere, the seafloor of this trench is not closest to the center of the Earth. If Mount Everest was placed in Mariana Trench, its pinnacle would still be over 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from the surface of water.