
Showing posts from June, 2013


The highest waterfall in the World is Angel falls, which drops nearly a kilometre (979 m) and a plunge of 807 m.  The water fall drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park in Venezuela. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of the Bolivar State. The waterfall has been known as the "Angel Falls" since the mid twentieth century. It was named after Jimmie Angel, a US aviator, who was the first person to fly over the falls. After his death Angel's ashes were scattered over the falls on July 2, 1960. Angel Falls is one of Venezuela's top tourist attractions. The falls are located in an isolated jungle. A flight from Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolívar is required to reach Canaima camp, the starting point for river trips to the base of the falls. River trips generally take place from June to December, when the rivers are deep enough for the wooden curiaras used by the Pemon guides. During the dry sea...